An In-Depth Look at Functional Incontinence and Its Treatment

Adult incontinence is an insidious medical problem in modern society. According to the Urology Care Foundation, 25-33% of adult Americans grapple with some form of urinary incontinence (UI). The numbers could be higher considering that many people suffer in silence due to the stigma associated with symptoms of incontinence. In most cases, the problem arises due to problems with the bladder. However, this is not always the case. Functional incontinence is a situation where an individual experience involuntary loss of urine due to physical or emotional impairment. For people suffering from functional incontinence, the issue is not bladder control, but rather an inability to get to the washroom in time. It is important to learn what you can about this problem and how to manage it using incontinence products such as adult diapers for a woman.

Functional incontinence can take on many forms depending on the situation the sufferer is facing. In this article, you will get more insight about some of them:

Functional Incontinence in Brief

To understand functional incontinence, imagine this situation. Your elderly loved one, who has arthritis, suddenly feels the urge to go. Their bladder works perfectly but the problem arises when they try to move out of their bed. The pain and poor mobility eventually lead to a loss of urine before they can get to the washroom. This is just one scenario that can lead to incontinence.

While most people associate incontinence with a loss of bladder control, physical and emotional problems also contribute greatly to the problem. Doctors refer to the loss of control on the bladder or bowel caused by a physical or emotional hindrance, as functional incontinence. This makes it important to gather as much information as possible about the problem, to find a proper way to treat it.

  • Symptoms of Functional incontinence

If you or a loved one suffers from an involuntary loss of urine, it is important to assess whether the problem falls under functional incontinence. Functional incontinence entails the passing of urine before getting to the toilet for one reason or another. In some cases, it is a temporary problem. In others, it is a long-term condition, which requires proper management. As a caregiver, you need to monitor your patient closely to determine if their incontinence arises due to some form of physical or mental problem.

  • Causes of Functional Incontinence

The human bladder has an ideal capacity of urine it can hold, and control of the duration for which it can hold such liquid. When the bladder reaches its capacity, it immediately sends a signal to the brain, which in turn leads to nerve action causing you to feel the urge to go. For most people who suffer from incontinence, there is no control over the bladder meaning a release of urine can happen even before the bladder reaches its capacity.

However, in the case of functional incontinence, the system works perfectly and even after the brain starts sending the signal about the need to go, the individual is fully aware. Unfortunately, a barrier prevents them from getting to the toilet in time. These barriers fall into two categories:

i. Physical barriers: These can arise due to medical conditions such as arthritis, joint pain, back pain, spine injury, blindness, medications, neurological problems including Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS) that could cause a hindrance to the ability to reach the bathroom or remove clothes in time, or in poor mobility when using a wheelchair among other issues.

ii. Emotional/ mental barriers: Problems with thinking or communicating are a major cause of incontinence, especially among the elderly. Medical conditions such as dementia, severe depression, multiple sclerosis are only a few of the causes of functional incontinence. This means that even when an individual feels the urge to go, the mental condition prevents them from making the right decision.

Treating and Managing Functional Incontinence

i. Proper diagnosis: Treatment for any form of incontinence starts with a proper diagnosis. If you suffer from incontinence yet you have good bladder control; it is important to talk to your doctor. As a family member or caregiver, you have to take charge of your patient’s incontinence problem by seeking the opinion of a doctor.

ii. Address the cause: Treatment starts with addressing the condition that causes incontinence. In the case of a medical problem such as arthritis, dementia or any other problem, your doctor may recommend further tests by a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

iii. Increase accessibility: A caregiver will need to review the physical environment of a patient to improve access to the toilet. Many families solve the problem by building a toilet closer to their elderly loved one’s room or by providing a convenient way of passing urine when the urge arises. Making a home elder-friendly will improve access for your loved one and will decrease episodes of incontinence.

iv. Arthritis-friendly clothing: The right choice of clothing can greatly help with functional incontinence. People who have arthritis will find it hard to operate zippers and buttons and should use easy to pull on Adaptive Arthritis Apparel instead. These include wrap-around designs, ‘easy grip’ side zips, pop-fasteners, adaptive open side pants, adaptive open side skirts, front open bra, magnetic shirt/ blouse for easy closure, adjustable, easy-touch closure slippers among others.

v. Bladder training: You can manage incontinence by scheduling the amount of time between bathroom trips. If an urge arises, stand or sit still then contract the pelvic muscles. At the same time, concentrate on something else until the urge to urinate goes away.

vi. Scheduled, timed, or prompted voiding: This is a successful technique for patients with dementia. It entails setting a schedule for bathroom trips. This technique requires motivation and effort but the outcome is great in dealing with functional incontinence.

vii. Kegel exercises: These pelvic muscle exercises strengthen the muscles around the bladder and urethra thus preventing leakage. Walking helps improve these muscles.
viii. Using adult diapers: Incontinence products remain the most effective way of dealing with any form of incontinence. To avoid embarrassing accidents, use the best incontinence products such as adult diapers for a woman. The best diapers for women are high absorbent, comfortable and skin-friendly, and feature the use of odor control technology and breathable panels.

It is true that dealing with any form of incontinence as a patient or caregiver or family is not easy. For functional incontinence, it is important to understand the underlying cause through a diagnosis from the doctor. This will lead to effective treatment. Using the best incontinence products is also a foolproof way of preventing accidental leaks and you will always enjoy peace of mind, knowing you have the best protection.

7 Ways to Help Your Parents Manage Incontinence


Incontinence Products
Incontinence Products

As parents advance in age, many will lose the ability to control their bladder. The love you develop for them over the years would compel you to help them deal with incontinence. You can provide them with a lot of help by helping them find and buy the best incontinence products for men and women. While there are many products that help to deal with incontinence, you may need to provide with other forms of support as well.

Here is a look at steps and actions that will ease the burden or finding proper ways to support your parents in a dignified manner.

1. Take Them For Regular Health Assessments

A thorough health assessment is meant to help you and medical health personnel to understand the extent of the condition. Based on the cause of the ailment, each person has a unique condition and may have many possible ways of treating them. A professional will guide you on the best treatment or measures to take.

Ask a professional who understands incontinence issues should conduct the tests. Some issues that a professional should examine include, accessing the severity of the condition. Parents may suffer from mild, moderate or severe incontinence. As incontinence products can be expensive to acquire at times, a professional may advise you about measures you can take to reduce expenses. Other forms of support you will get include counseling and referral to organizations that provide subsidized products. Follow up assessments will help the healthcare provider, caregiver and the parent to assess progress in treatment.

2. Provide the Best Psychological Support

A parent may find dealing with incontinence a stressful experience. It restricts their movement and leaves them at the mercy of their caregivers. This is why it is important to provide them with psychological support. Do not make them feel as if the care you provide them is a burden to you. It is important to avoid talk about their condition too often, especially by passing comments. Take measures to reduce their dependency on other people or the number of times third parties require to help them. You can provide them with the best psychological support by listening to their concerns and addressing them. Do not assume that you know better. Know what makes them comfortable and take measures to provide that comfort.

3.  Invest in Quality Products

Buy quality incontinent products for your parents. They will find that quality products are comfortable to wear. Good products are not prone to damage and therefore their use will not cause any inconvenience. Check reviews of products available in the market. Caregivers and clients who have used these products provide the most reliable reviews. Some of the issues addressed by the reviews include the capacity to hold incontinence, performance when the parents move and level of comfort, among others. Product labels also indicate the quality of the product you are dealing with. Buy the best products to avoid inconvenience or disappointment. They may be expensive, but will provide the user peace of mind knowing that his or her incontinence is well handled. You can reduce the price by buying products in wholesale.

4. Buy Convenient And Appropriate Incontinent Products

Each parent or elderly person battling incontinence requires very specific products. These products are determined by their gender, level of activity and severity of incontinence. Luckily, the market has products for each case.

Incontinence products are designed with the needs of specific users in mind. For instance, incontinence products for men pay special attention to their physiology. This means that they will not be appropriate for use by women.

The size of the incontinence product you buy must also be right. Further, choose between diapers and pull-ups to ensure that you deliver comfort. Offer your parents the option of choosing between using disposable and reusable incontinence products. This provides them with comfort and a feeling of dignity.

5. Buy Diapers With Incentives

Dealing with incontinence can be expensive. This can discourage many parents and make them feel like their condition is a burden. This can be avoided by buying diapers and other incontinent products that are sold at reduced prices.

You can get access to the cheapest diapers through several avenues. They include buying in wholesale or contacting organizations that assist seniors with such conditions. It will cost you less to buy the best quality diapers and therefore enable your parents to enjoy a dignified quality life.

There are special groups that receive incontinence products through government incentives. These diapers are distributed by community organizations and care homes. Register your parent to access these quality products at an affordable price.

6. Modify The Home

Make their home or where they stay, a place that is conducive for dealing with your ailing parent’s condition. This is especially important for parents whose incontinence is not too severe. This means that they can get to the toilet before it starts or gets worse. Some modifications you may want to make to the place would include, clearing the path to the toilet. This can ensure that our parent takes the shortest time to get to the toilet and could eliminate the need for them to use incontinence products. Consider using products that are easy to wear and remove. These diapers are easy to fix and remove. You will not need to bother him or her to remove or wear the diaper. The process of removal and putting on should be easy to reduce the duration of discomfort.

7. Listen To Your Parents and Their Concerns

Elderly people also understand their situations and want to make it easy to find a convenient solution. Listen to their concerns about the remedies you provide and their understanding of the condition. Since there is no single solution for all problems, you will get a better idea of what is good for him or her and can rule out options that are not working. Some of the concerns they may raise could include the quality of the products you provide, their size, comfort, and handling. If a parent is uncomfortable with a disposable diaper, you could provide them with reusable diapers. The size you were using could have gotten large due to changes in physiology. When the concerns of the wearer are address, you provide comfort and enable him or her to handle their situation with dignity.

Parents and elderly people using incontinence products are very sensitive about what they get. Ensure that the incontinence products for men or women fit the body size and severity of the condition. Psychological support is as important as providing them with these products.



Type of Adult Incontinence – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Do you or someone you love suffer from any form of adult incontinence? If you answer with ‘yes’ to this question, it is important for you to get all the information you can find to manage this medical problem effectively. Incontinence is a debilitating medical problem characterized by uncontrolled loss of urine or fecal matter. Today, millions of adult Americans show symptoms of urinary and fecal incontinence. However, many of them hesitate to come forward and seek help. The American Urological Association (AUA) says a quarter of adult Americans suffer from urinary incontinence. This fact highlights how grave the situation is today. Although this problem is one that requires urgent attention, the stigma associated with the symptoms of incontinence forces many people to suffer silently. One of the best ways to deal with incontinence among adults effectively is by providing helpful information about the problem and suggesting ways to manage it. In this regard, this article addresses the symptoms, causes, and treatment of incontinence in adults.

Symptoms of Incontinence in Adults

Every type of incontinence in adults has one common symptom. There is an uncontrolled loss of urine but it is the quantity and the underlying cause that differs in one type of incontinence to the other. Some adults experience minor leaks while others lose urine frequently. The case is also the same in the loss of bowel control. There are various types of incontinence and each has unique symptoms.

1. Stress Incontinence
This is the most common form of urinary incontinence, characterized by a sudden loss of urine when bladder muscles come under sudden physical pressure. For instance, stress incontinence occurs when laughing, exercising, coughing, sneezing, or lifting something heavy.
2. Urge Incontinence
Also commonly known as reflex incontinence or “overactive bladder”, and occurs due to involuntary contraction of the muscular wall of the bladder leading to a sudden urge to urinate. Different situations can lead to this urge including a sudden change in position, sound of running water or sex, especially during orgasm.
3. Overflow Incontinence
When the bladder does not empty completely, you experience frequent or constant dribbling of urine. This problem is common with men who suffer from a damaged bladder, prostate gland problems or a blocked urethra. Now that the bladder cannot hold the volume of urine the body makes, it leads to a leak of small amounts of urine.
4. Mixed Incontinence
This is a situation where an individual suffers more than one type of urinary incontinence.
5. Functional Incontinence
When a person suffers a physical or mental impairment that prevents them from accessing a washroom in time, there is a likelihood of the loss of urine. Conditions such as arthritis, poor eyesight, dementia, depression, and anxiety can cause functional incontinence.

Causes of Incontinence in Adults

It is important to understand that all forms of incontinence point to an underlying problem. They are symptoms of a more serious issue and it is thus important to learn about the possible causes of your medical problems. The main causes of urinary incontinence include:
Pregnancy: This period in a woman’s life comes with hormonal and physical changes in their body that could increase the chances of stress incontinence.
Childbirth/Vaginal delivery: This can weaken muscles around the bladder and also damage bladder nerves and supportive tissue. The result is a dropped (prolapsed) pelvic floor and all these changes increase the chances of incontinence.
Old age: Incontinence among adults has always been attributed to old age, due to decreased bladder capacity with age and aging of bladder muscles.
Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause also cause incontinence. The reduced production of estrogen, a hormone that maintains a healthy lining of the bladder and urethra, can cause an involuntary loss of urine.
Hysterectomy: Any surgical procedure around a woman’s reproductive system, including the removal of the uterus, can damage pelvic floor muscles leading to incontinence.
Prostate problems in men: Enlargement of the prostate gland and untreated prostate cancer can lead to stress incontinence or urge incontinence in men.

Some risk factors that you should know about include:
i. Being overweight/ obese
ii. Smoking
iii. Diseases such as Neurological disease or diabetes
iv. Old age
v. Gender; 75% – 80% of adults suffering from incontinence are women.

Diagnosis and Treatment
With this insight, it is easier to understand the condition in which incontinence occurs, and to seek ways to treat and manage it. You need to see a doctor to get a diagnosis if you notice problems with your bladder or bowel. Some of the techniques used for diagnosing urinary incontinence include:

  • A bladder diary
  • Blood test
  • Stress test to diagnose stress incontinence
  • Physical exam around the vagina to test the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and around the rectum in men for
  • signs of prostate gland problems
  • Pelvic ultrasound to detect any anomalies in the bladder
  • Cystoscopy to detect abnormalities in the urinary tract
  • Postvoid residual (PVR) measurement to measure the quantity of urine left in the bladder
  • Urinalysis to identify any signs of infection and abnormalities
  • Cystogram / X-ray to evaluate the condition of the bladderSome of the techniques used for the treatment and management of urinary and fecal incontinence include:
    i. Pelvic floor exercises: These include Kegel exercises to strengthen muscles that help control urination.
    ii. Use of incontinence protection: Incontinence products such as adult diapers, pull-up underwear and briefs help control and manage the symptoms of incontinence. Wearing this type of protection can help you to enjoy a life without limits.
    iii. Bladder training techniques: They include delaying the event, double voiding and creating a toilet timetable.
    iv. Medication: Some medicines prescribed to treat urinary incontinence include Anticholinergics to calm overactive bladders, Oxybutynin (Ditropan), and tamsulosin (Flomax), mirabegron (Myrbetriq) relax overactive bladder muscles, Imipramine (Tofranil) and Topical estrogen to strengthen weakened tissues in the urethra and vagina among others.
    v. Pessaries and urethral inserts: Urethral inserts fit inside the urethra to prevent leaking. Pessaries are inserted inside the vagina to prop up the bladder to treat stress incontinence.
    vi. Botulinum toxin type A (Botox): Injected into the bladder muscle, causing it to relax and in turn increase the bladder’s storage capacity for urine.
    vii. Nerve stimulators: For people suffering from severe urge incontinence; a stimulator sends electrical pulses to the muscles around the bladder.
    viii. Surgical procedures: Your doctor can also recommend surgical procedures when other options do not work. They include the sling procedure to support the urethra, Colposuspension to lift the neck of the bladder and relieve stress incontinence and insertion of an artificial sphincter, or valve to control the flow of urine.Other ways to prevent adult incontinence include losing weight, dietary changes to avoid bladder irritants, such as avoiding acidic foods, caffeine, and alcohol, an increase in the intake of fiber to reduce constipation, which causes urinary incontinence and stopping smoking. If you suffer from any form of incontinence, you can use this information to regain control of your life. Order your Free Sample from Wellnes  Briefs.

Adult Diaper and Other Ways to Manage Incontinence

Adult Diaper
Adult Diaper

Age, a weakening body, and diseases leave many people with incontinence. This condition takes a heavy psychological toll on adults especially when they remember that they once lived a colorful and dignified life. As a caregiver, you have a responsibility to find the best way to redeem their esteem. The use of an Adult Diaper is among the most effective ways to manage incontinence.

There are multiple adult diapers made by different brands. While they all promise a healthy and dignified life, there is no guarantee that you will get that from any odd diaper that you pick off the shelves. You need to consider several factors to ensure that you are able to provide a person suffering with incontinence with the best diaper.

Type of Incontinence

Incontinence is described as fecal, urinary or a combination of both. The diaper you need for each kind of incontinence is different because they come with unique features for each case. For instance, a diaper designed for urinary incontinence is meant to handle a lot of liquid. However, one for fecal incontinence is designed to hold solid matter. When the incontinence is a combination of both, you need a diaper that offers enhanced protection. The labels on diapers clearly indicate the kind of incontinence that the diaper is designed to handle. Ensure that you buy the right diaper and when you are uncertain, seek the assistance of a knowledgeable person.

Severity of Incontinence

Incontinence is graded as mild, moderate and severe. Diapers for adult incontinence are also labeled in terms of the kind of incontinence they can handle. Some are pads that are used for light cases of incontinence. In fact, these are not necessarily for the sick. In case you are taking a long trip or have a presentation that makes you nervous, you can opt for this kind of diaper. Their level of absorption is minimal and best suited for those who experience accidental incontinence.

Diapers for adults with a moderate case of incontinence are designed with a higher rate of absorption. The material used has a high level of absorbency with may be scented because they have to hold the incontinence for a while. They take in a few milliliters of incontinence but cannot hold it for long.

Adult diapers for handling severe incontinence are those that are made of materials that provide the highest levels of absorbency. People who have no control over their incontinence prefer using them. They are made of high quality materials that can handle incontinence over a longer period without spillage. There are indications of the level of incontinence each diaper can handle on the label. Using a diaper for the wrong incontinence will make it less effective, leaving the wearer soiled.

Disposable or Washable

Adult diapers come in a variety of designs with the option to buy washable or disposable diapers. Washable diapers allow the user to clean and reuse the diaper repeatedly. This is an economical option because you do not have to buy a new one every time it is soiled. It is durable and made of a washable material. However, repeated washing can damage the absorbing mechanism of the material, thus making the product ineffective for repeated use by people suffering from severe incontinence. People suffering from mild to moderate incontinence are able to make the best use of them. They also serve persons who can manage their incontinence to some extent well, because such persons do not need to deal with a lot of soiling. If you are traveling or will be away from your comfortable residence, this is an option you should consider.

Disposable adult diapers offer the dignity of not having to deal with soiled garments. You only use the diaper once and dispose of it. The material used is less durable, but it comes with technological enhancements to make it more absorbent and odor free. Disposable diapers are more affordable, but you have to buy a new one every time the wearer soils himself or herself. Some users would feel better using the disposable version because they are not compelled to wash or do not subject their children to washing soiled garments.

There are other considerations to make when buying diapers including the cost and gender provisions. The user might also prefer one brand over the other. The comfort and dignity of the wearer should always guide you when buying diapers for adults. Take advantage of reliefs and subsidies to get quality diapers at an affordable price.

Other Ways of Dealing with Incontinence

There are numerous ways of dealing with incontinence or reducing its severity. In fact, some cases just require management, unless the wearer is incapacitated. The user’s residence might require some modification and cooperation of the wearer will also be important to implementing some of these strategies.

  • Treat the cause – incontinence is sometimes caused by a disease or health condition. It may also arise out of an injury. If this condition is treated, the incontinence will also disappear or be easier to manage.

  • Visit the toilet regularly – the bladder or colon loosens when it is under pressure. When you visit the toilet more often, the bladder is relieved and therefore unlike to burst open. You should also consider monitoring the time you frequently visit the toilet. You can preempt the incontinence in this manner.

  • Keep a clear path – elderly persons are slow to get to the toilet. It gets worse when the path is lined with chairs, buckets, dusters and other items that block the way. A clear path ensures that it takes the shortest time to get to the toilet. With no delays, the incontinence is better managed.

  • Exercises – this is a remedy for people who can still manage their bodies. Exercises, especially targeting the pelvis area, tighten bladder and colon muscles, making it easier to manage incontinence. Be careful when engaging elderly persons in exercises because their bodies are not flexible.

When dealing with incontinence, a single solution will not work for all cases. Whenever you use diapers, check reliable reviews to ensure you find the best adult diaper for your case, to guarantee comfort. You may need to use a combination of several methods or types of diapers to manage incontinence properly in each case.

Adult Incontinence: Types, Common Causes and Solutions

Adult incontinence (also known as involuntary urination) is a condition wherein a person experiences involuntary loss of urine. This condition is very common in women but also affects men as well.

Adult Incontinence Types

There are a few different types of adult incontinence and may affect adults of any age for various reasons. The following are the most common:

  1. Functional Incontinence
    This type of incontinence has nothing to do with nervous, urinary, bladder or pelvic muscle problems. It simply occurs when a person has a need to urinate but cannot reach the bathroom because of either physical or mental restrictions.
  2. Urge Incontinence
    This is a type of incontinence where a person has a sudden urge to urinate but cannot reach the toilet in time. A common symptom of this type of incontinence is frequent urination. A person may even have to wake up several times in the night with a sudden urge to urinate. This type of incontinence worsens with age.
  3. Stress Incontinence
    When one experiences unexpected leaks of urine due to stress or pressure applied to the bladder during coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. This generally happens when the bladder is quite full and can most likely happen to anyone. It is most common in pregnant women.
  4. Overflow Incontinence
    When the bladder does not empty completely (which most of the time it doesn’t) small amounts may leak out without you noticing it. Because the bladder is not full, you probably won’t feel the pressure which makes it even more surprising when you experience sudden leaks.
  5. Mixed Incontinence
    As the name suggests, this type of incontinence has symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence. You may experience urine leaks during physical activities and may also find yourself with a sudden overwhelming urge to urinate and no toilet nearby.
  6. Transient Incontinence
    This is a type of incontinence that is only temporary. It is often caused by a temporary medical condition. Incontinence during and after pregnancy, is an example of transient incontinence. In most cases, this issue resolves itself in due time.
  7. Total Incontinence
    Complete and utter loss of bladder control.

Adult Incontinence Causes

There are many reasons why someone may experience urinary incontinence. Some reasons may be temporary while others may be permanent. Urinary incontinence is generally a symptom of some other underlying condition.

  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
    Urinary tract infections temporarily compromise the bladder, often resulting in a strong, urge to urinate.
  • Pregnancy
    In pregnancy, as the uterus grows, there is more pressure on the bladder, causing involuntary leakages and inability to hold urine for long spans of time.
  • Menopause
    After menopause, the body produces less estrogen which weakens the lining of the bladder and the urethra leading to incontinence.
  • Child Birth
    During child birth, the pelvic muscles stretch and are therefore not able to contract as efficiently as they once did leading to urine leakages and inability to hold in urine. Fortunately, this type of incontinence tends to rectify itself once the pelvic floor gets stronger again over time.
  • Medication
    Strong medication like blood pressure, heart medication, sedatives and muscle relaxants can also temporarily compromise bladder control.
  • Prostate Related Issues
    Prostate cancer and even treatments for prostate cancer can contribute to weakening of the bladder leading to poor bladder control.
  • Neurological disorders
    Disorders like Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, brain tumors, strokes and other disorders that damage the nervous system can also cause urinary incontinence.
  • Age
    Unfortunately our body slowly deteriorates with age and this can cause weakening of the pelvic muscles, leading to urinary incontinence in adults.

Urinary Incontinence Treatment

  1. Medical Help
    Seeking medical help to understand the cause of the underlying condition is the first thing to be done. Involuntary urination as a symptom can only be rectified if the underlying condition is treated.
  2. Exercise
    For people experiencing transient incontinence, exercises like Kegels and a few others can prove to be very helpful in strengthening the weakened pelvic muscles.
  3. Incontinence Products
    To make life easier and to reduce the stress and embarrassment associated with urinary incontinence, there are a range of products on the market. Adult diapers, absorbent pads, disposable underwear, etc. are just a few products that can help manage incontinence.

Wellness Briefs is a company that manufactures adult diapers and is easily available online. There is no need to suffer in silence, do something about your incontinence today!

What is adult incontinence?

Male Incontinence: Truth, Lies And Misconceptions

Well nearly 25 million Americans suffer from urinary incontinence. While there are around three-fourth women having urinary incontinence, which effectively means there are nearly five million men with bladder problems.

Unique Wellness, an online incontinence products supply store explores some of the important things that you should know about male incontinence.

Very often men with incontinence continue to suffer in silence and make uninformed decisions about dealing with the condition. Incontinence could turn out to be an emotionally, physically and mentally a tiring experience both for the patient and caregiver.

Here’s what you should know about male incontinence

Lifestyle Matters

Due to the ageing process, muscles controlling the bladder tend to lose strength and extra weight can put extra pressure on the bladder. Several other factors such as Cigarette smoking, heavy alcohol consumption and diabetes also dramatically increase a man’s risk of bladder problems.

Prostate treatment is often the cause of problem

As part of aging most men experience prostate enlargement as it blocks the urethra which can cause overflow incontinence. In most cases, prostate treatment is also a major cause of urinary incontinence. Prostate removal can damage or considerably weaken the pelvic floor muscles and nerves around the bladder. Short-term incontinence and stress incontinence after prostate surgery are common.

Parkinson’s disease and stroke

Incontinence problems can be triggered by nerve damage from diabetes, a stroke, and Parkinson’s disease (which primarily strikes men). Spinal cord injuries could put men at risk for incontinence. It is often noticed that men are often involved in accidents or injury which cause spinal code injury.

Think About Fluid intake

Fluid intake counts when it comes to incontinence. But it does not mean that you stay thirsty. It is always healthy to drink water and stay hydrated. However, you don’t have to drink XX number of glasses everyday or drink caffeine and carbonated beverages which often trigger incontinence.

Kegel for women only? Really

Who says Kegel exercise where you squeeze and hold the muscle is only for women. Research shows that men who do Kegel or pelvic floor exercise for at least a month before prostate removal surgery have less incontinence after surgery.

Talk to your doctor

It is important to overcome the stigma associated with incontinence and talk with your physician. In some cases, medications such as antidepressants can cause urinary incontinence. So talk to your doctor about the drugs you are taking.

Choose the Best Adult Diapers: Key to leading a normal life

Adult diapers are specifically designed for highest levels of comfort and play a key role in helping you live a normal life with your loved ones. Wellness products keep users dry at all times with its multi layered NASA inspired technology, hypoallergenic, and more functional design compared to diapers available years ago. Now diapers are available in a wide range and require only 3 changes per day. And they are affordable too.

The best part about Unique Wellness is that there is no need to rush to nearby pharmacies for purchasing adult diapers. Log on to for great prices and discounts on adult diapers. Unique Wellness is most trusted source of buying world’s driest adult diapers, incontinence briefs, and absorbent underwear/pull ups.

5 Effortless Approaches You Can Use To Overcome Incontinence At Work

If you thought that incontinence strikes only the elderly and the ageing, you are sadly mistaken. Incontinence can strike young people with active lifestyle.

The thought of wearing adult diapers could be unsettling and extremely disturbing if you work fulltime. After all, you are involved in meetings, presentations, client luncheons and much more.

Think about it the stains or wet pants in the office.

How would you manage without diapers? How do you prevent such accidents from taking place? How do you draw a line between what’s personal and what’s not at work.

Here are few tips to help you overcome incontinence at work

Rely on the best adult diapers

Always use the best disposable adult diapers to control large amount of urine leakage for long time periods. With the rapid advancements in technology, adult diapers keep the wearer dry for extended time period and does not need frequent changes. Highly absorbent adult diapers will help you tackle client meetings with confidence.

Think about odor

Incontinence is not just about leaks, it is also about foul odor. In some cases odor urine odor removal sprays are extremely helpful when dealing with incontinence as they absorb odor. Odor can be the result of urinary incontinence when urine or stool comes in contact with or remains on the skin.

Fluid Intake

When you consume water the very purpose of wearing a diaper in the first place gets defeated. Right?

Well, you are mistaken. Contrary to popular belief having the right amount of water will keep you hydrated and prevent your urine from getting concentrated as well as emit foul odor. However, excessive amount of fluid intake might increase the chance of leakage. Coffee is known to trigger accidents due to incontinence.

Think dark shades, stay safe

Dark colored formal trousers/skirts should be your preferred clothing. This is your best bet against accidental leaks and stains at work. Always avoid light color pants that are likely to show stains. Before you start your day at work, try out various options in your wardrobe such as low waists and check for yourself how well adult diapers get concealed.

Watch the Clock and train your bladder

In case you face urge incontinence, training your bladder can help you increase the time interval between toilet visits. The time between toilet breaks gets longer by focusing on letting the urge to urinate pass. The ultimate goal is to train your bladder to go to washroom every four hours instead of two hours.

Drawing a line…

Incontinence is a personal problem. But how do you deal with it at work? There is a thin line that separates professional from personal. It is important to talk with your boss and explain the fact that you have a medical problem that needs treatment. You need to inform your boss if you get up every two hours. It is equally important to select incontinence products that prevent accidents and save you from embarrassment among your coworkers.

How To Help Your Father Overcome Incontinence?

He helped you take first steps of your life. He is your real-life hero. Yes. We are talking about your father. It is very difficult to watch your father suffer from incontinence. Caring for your father could be a challenge. How do you help your father overcome this situation? In this post, you will learn few pointers that will help you take care of your elders.

1 Adopt a collaborative approach

It is important to keep in mind the fact that talking and counseling is the best way out. You need to keep in mind that incontinence could cause embarrassment among elders. The word could cause emotions run high. In order to tackle such situation it is important that you adopt a collaborative approach. Take your father to doctor and know the best treatment options available. Keep in mind that you need to respect privacy and sensitivity involved while discussing this matter with your father. (more…)

Top Five Ways to Cope Up with Adult Incontinence at Work

Are you suffering from incontinence? Are you a working professional? Do you want some tips to manage incontinence at work? If the answers are ‘yes’, you are certainly in the right place at the right time.

Adult incontinence is getting common with each new day. People have come up with different strategies to cope up with it. There are a lot of ways in which adult incontinence can be managed wherever you go; be it a vacation or on a daily basis at work. (more…)