Most Absorbent Adult Diapers to Protect from Nighttime incontinence

Most Absorbent Adult Diapers
Most Absorbent Adult Diapers

Nighttime incontinence affects at least 2% of adults, especially older persons. There are different reasons for this disorder:

  1. Urological disorder.
  2. Family history.
  3. Not making enough hormones that tell the kidneys to decrease the amount of urine at night or day time.
  4. People suffering from type 2 diabetes
  5. Reduced capacity of the bladder.
  6. Overactive detrusor muscle.

For all these ailments, you need the most absorbent adult diapers for day or night use, which can absorb a large quantity of urine.

For maximum absorbency, Wellness Briefs uses a NASA inspired core material that employs the Incontek technology, which has an absorbency material in the core that can absorb up to 2.6 liters of urine. It is little expensive but, seeing the utility, it is recommended, as frequent change of diaper is avoided.

Absorbent Diaper for Extended Protection

Although there are many types of undergarments to take care of incontinence in moderate or severe condition in male or female adults, an absorbent adult diaper is the right choice, as it is designed to take care of leakage of urine and can be used for a prolonged time avoiding frequent change of undergarments.

An easy way to increase the absorbency of an adult diaper is to add an additional incontinence pad to take care of extra urine. This extra pad is sometimes called a booster pad and can be changed instead of changing the entire adult diaper. This pad is normally made of the same material as the adult diaper, and it helps in soaking the urine and keeps it away from the skin. This can be a logistical and cost saving technique and also avoid skin irritation.

Adult Diapers: For Protection and Peace of Mind

Some absorbent adult diapers are thick enough to last for 4 to 8 hours. Another advantage of these thick adult diapers is also the feature of odor control and pH neutralization, which helps greatly in reducing odor emission. This adds greatly to peace of mind knowing that people will not be put off by how you smell. However, the downside is that these diapers can get uncomfortable after a time, as the bottom tapes end up digging into the inner thigh.

Another aspect in choosing the most absorbent adult diaper is that it should not be too hard and should fit nicely without sagging and leaking. It should also be able to keep the skin dry to avoid rashes and other skin problems while reducing the amount of changes needed for the person wearing the diapers for prolonged periods.

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