Overnight Adult Pull Up : Which Is the Best Brand

Overnight Adult Pull-Ups
Overnight Adult Pull-Up

There is a great difference between incontinence that occurs during the day time and incontinence that occurs at night. Therefore, a different approach is required. The products that you use during the day differ significantly from those you would use at night. This article focuses on selecting the best overnight adult pull up that will guarantee comfort and leave the wearer clean. With this guide, you will find it easier to select a brand that gives you value for money and allows the wearer to engage in ordinary daily activities, including swimming. These tips are given by professionals who have interacted with wearers for years.

People with incontinence find getting a good night’s sleep a challenge because they are plagued with the constant fear of the risk of a leakage and the soiling of their garments if the diaper they use fails to protect them. Their nights are also extremely uncomfortable because of restriction some incontinence products may impose on their movement. An Overnight Adult Pull Up is the best solution to provide such people with a comfortable and dry nights rest. But with numerous options in the market, how can the wearer or caretaker determine which is the best brand to buy diapers from?

Level of Incontinence

The extent of incontinence during the day may differ from that at night. While some people gain more control over their bladder at night, others experience more difficulty controlling their bladder. As such, if your level of incontinence is severe during the night, the best option is to find a highly absorbent overnight adult pull up. It will keep you comfortable and free from soiling throughout the night.

Type of Incontinence

Incontinence could be fecal, urinary or both. Each overnight adult pull-up is designed to assist with a particular condition. For instance, a pull-up for urinary incontinence cannot work effectively if your challenge is fecal incontinence. Considering that you will be asleep and might not be able to rush to the toilet, you need diapers that can hold the incontinence till morning. Even with the best quality diapers, if the type of incontinence is mismatched, the results could be disastrous. You may get overnight diapers for all types of incontinence. However, it will not be as effective as diapers designed for a specific incontinence condition.

Comfort –

Personal comfort, especially at night, is important. The severity of incontinence may be aggravated by the lack of enough sleep or rest. The wearer thus needs to feel comfortable even while they sleep if they want to be cured of incontinence.

Comfort also means that the wearer can move freely and wake up without soiling themselves or the beddings. A comfortable diaper is made of a high-quality material that does not irritate the skin. Since the wearer will be asleep, heat from the bedding may lead to sweating. Choose a material that does not leave the wearer soaked in sweat.


This is one of the categories that are used to distinguish diapers. Absorbency describes the volume of incontinence that the overnight adult pull up can handle. To handle incontinence at night requires a highly absorbent material. This reduces the need or frequency of waking up to change the diaper.

The level of absorbency required is determined by the incontinence of the wearer. If the wearer experiences extreme incontinence at night they should settle for a diaper that offers a higher level of absorbency. If the level of incontinence is not too extreme and sometimes can be absent, they could opt for an overnight adult pull up that is less absorbent, because it will be less expensive.

Convenience of Slipping in And Out

A slip-on style of diaper helps make it easy for the wearer to slip into and out of the pull-ups. It is especially important in cases where the wearer is incapacitated and requires assistance to put the pull-ups on. The options available include fastening with straps or an elastic fastener. For a wearer who is incapacitated, the manner of fastening should be convenient for the caregiver. If the wearer can slip it on without assistance, any other method of fastening is welcome.


The price of a product depends on many elements including the level of absorbency and the material used in their construction. Size may also affect the price. A long-term wearer of Overnight Adult Pull Ups will need to minimize cost. There are waivers given to diaper users based on their social status, age, employment history, etc. There are also brands that are subsidized. These are ways of reducing your expenditure on overnight adult pull ups.

Purchasing adult pull ups in bulk also reduces your expense per unit. However, you must be certain about the size before buying diapers in bulk. As such, you might need to buy several pull ups before settling on the actual size. Consider changes in size based on the condition of the wearer.

The integrity of an overnight adult pull up is affected by the material used in the manufacture of the pull up. A person has little control over their movement at night. This is likely to cause the diapers to tear, leaving the wearer exposed to soiling. Read reviews or get a recommendation from a person who is already using the pull ups to know the best brand.

Managing the emotional aspects of urinary incontinence

When faced with emotionally triggered incontinence, you are likely to miss the signs. Physical causes are easy to spot and address. Some of the emotional triggers of incontinence include

  • Stigma and humiliation
  • Reduced intimacy, physical proximity, and affection
  • Depression and psychological morbidity
  • Recreational and social withdrawal
  • Anxiety and fear that is associated with public ridicule due to incontinence
  • Low self-esteem

Incontinence may also be severe based on medical conditions. The degree of the emotional issue that causes incontinence also determine how severe the episodes of incontinence would be. One needs to learn ways of managing emotions to avoid incontinence. Some of the management approaches include medication, practicing relaxation techniques and counseling. One may also join a support group. Using overnight adult pull ups are one of the ways to manage incontinence.

How to Reduce Incontinence during The Night

The use of overnight adult pull ups is one of the most effective ways of managing incontinence during the night. However, it is possible to reduce the severity of the condition. Here are useful tips towards effective management.

  • Take less liquid before going to bed. This means that the bladder will have reduced quantities of fluid to deal with. Even if incontinence occurs, it will not be as severe as when you took a lot of liquid before going to bed.
  • Establish a bathroom schedule. This means waking up and using the bathroom at a specific time in the middle of the night. It reduces pressure on your bladder and thus checks incontinence.

Overnight adult pull-ups have been approved as an effective method of managing incontinence. To find a long-lasting solution, it is advisable that you seek professional help. Monitor your situation and take necessary steps based on the outcome. Choose high-quality brands that will enable the wearer to enjoy comfort and dignity.

Using the Driest Adult Pull Ups for better Incontinence Control

Driest Adult Pull Ups
Driest Adult Pull Ups

It is difficult to determine whether life is more difficult for the afflicted or the primary care giver! It is a daunting task to be available 24*7 for someone physically, emotionally and psychologically. At the same time it is very satisfying to be there for a loved one who is undergoing suffering and be able to mitigate at least part of it. Incontinence is a demanding ailment as it may occur at any age and physical level. It has a huge psychological impact on the sufferer and needs to be handled with a diplomatic and no nonsense approach. As a care giver your primary concern is to be able to anticipate and handle issues to ensure that your patient is comfortable. Identifying the driest adult pull ups can solve a large part of the problem. It is imperative that you understand the condition, its causes and the best ways to handle incontinence – so as to fetch the best results.

This article tries to collate facts about incontinence to help you deal with your loved one’s condition with aplomb.

Understanding incontinence in its entirety

Incontinence is a fairly common problem, but hardly anyone admits suffering from it. The general perception is that it is an old person’s disease. But in reality, this condition can afflict a person at any age and level of physical ability. The term implies to not being able to hold voiding of urine or faeces and involuntarily losing fecal matter, or urine from the bladder. Incontinence may range from a slight problem wherein urine may drip while sneezing or laughing hard, to a shattering complete loss of bladder or bowel control.

What are the reasons for incontinence?

Incontinence can occur due to many reasons. In some cases it can be temporary, but in most instances it takes the form of an underlying disease that can be quite debilitating and irreversible. In both cases, the care giver as well as the patient must take pains to understand the causes and provide symptomatic solutions such as the highly absorbent, driest adult pull ups to contain the issue.

Temporary incontinence-causes and solutions

Lifestyle issues can cause temporary incontinence. Morbid obesity can cause incontinence that is easily reversible when weight loss relieves extraneous pressure from the bladder. Pregnancy also causes temporary incontinence. Transient problems like Urinary Tract Infections and constipation can also result in urinary incontinence. Sometimes, medications for hypertension sedatives or muscle relaxants may also lead to temporary loss of control of bladder functions. Imbibing copious amounts of caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, etc. can be a catalyst for incontinence. It might be a good idea to use high quality, driest adult pull ups in these times to avoid embarrassing situations.

Long term issues leading to incontinence

There might be other physiological or external factors that cause incontinence in the long term. Let us try and list the factors that may cause long term and irreversible incontinence.

Damage caused externally

Surgery can cause damages to the bladder or urethra and lead to loss of control. Damage to the pelvic floor due to childbirth is one of the leading causes of light dripping of urine when laughing loudly or sneezing and coughing. Debilitating spine injuries and spinal surgeries can also manifest as incontinence.

Incontinence due to disease

Neurological disorder is one of the main reasons for incontinence in diabetic and geriatric patients. An enlarged prostrate is the leading cause of incontinence and can be quite concerning too. Kidney and gall bladder stones and nephritis also reduces bladder control. Another major incontinence generator is the Big C. Cancer of the bladder or urethra can cause urinary incontinence, while rectal and colon cancer can be instrumental in causing fecal incontinence. Chemotherapy and radiation are also known to cause loss of bowel and bladder control. Fortunately, the different types of driest adult pull ups available in the market can help contain these problems.

Aging as a cause of incontinence

One of the commonest reasons for incontinence is aging. As the process of aging manifests as degeneration of faculties and voluntary action, incontinence becomes common in seniors and menopausal women. Loss of muscle tone in both the urinary bladder and the rectal area leads to incontinence.

Helping a person deal with incontinence

We have comprehensively discussed the various temporary and long term causes of incontinence. It is now important that we create a checklist and guide through this article to understand how we can help a person deal with the daily pain of this embarrassing and limiting problem. Here is a list of the common day to day issues that can arise due to this situation and probable solutions to them.

Maintaining a schedule for bathroom visits

You might consider scheduling frequent bathroom visits if the person under your care is physically capable of moving with adequate help or on his/ her own. This might eliminate the need to rush to the bathroom when the urge to void strikes. It is often noted that holding the pressure to void is nearly impossible for those suffering from incontinence. Ideally, the care giver should maintain a bathroom visit every three to four hours to avoid a potentially embarrassing moment. At other times, it is prudent to use the driest adult pull ups available.

Installing infrastructure to aid the patient

Care givers should try to ensure that the hallways and passages leading to the bathroom are well lit and clutter free. This will help in avoiding accidents as the patient generally cannot control the urge to void and is in a hurry to reach the bathroom. It is a good idea to install railings and grab bars on the way to avoid accidents. A raised toilet seat is a good feature to help elderly persons get on and off easily.

Checklist to handle incontinence

Even after trying to help avoid accidents, there might be times when there will be situations that cannot be helped. These are not only troublesome to the care giver but also a source of anguish for the sufferer. In such situations, you must keep calm and reassure the patient that these situations can happen to anyone. Encourage them to feel guilt free and use the driest adult pull ups to feel secure. With the right care inputs in place, you will find it easy to handle the incontinence woes of your parents, seniors, bed ridden patients, those under post-operative care, and all others in the same boat.