How do Diapers and Briefs Help me With My Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence affects millions of people and is increasing day by day. One needs to understand that incontinence is not a natural consequence of aging. Incontinence is caused by muscle problems that help retain or release urine. Urinary incontinence will occur if the muscles suddenly compress the bladder or if the bladder is not strong enough to hold the urine. Urine can flow at a lower pressure than normal if the muscles are damaged, leading to a change in the condition of the bladder.

Adult Briefs


It is a condition that is more likely to influence your quality of life. Patients with urinary incontinence often develop depression, limited social and sexual functioning and reliance on caretakers. Being someone who has been suffering from urinary incontinence from 8 years, I can understand how embarrassing and frustrating it is to manage incontinence in everyday life. And just like any other person facing leaks, I also tried multiple incontinence products of every single brand. One thing for sure that it does work. But to know how diapers and briefs actually work for me, read carefully till the end.

What are incontinence products?

Incontinence products are the products available to help you cope with leakage accidents and makes you feel comfortable and safe at home and outside. In my case diapers and briefs kept me going through long hours of meetings and endless travels.


A diaper is like underwear which absorbs urine and moisture. They are available in various sizes, shapes, and functional levels, which are required for different levels of problems, as well as specific variants of gender and age.


Adult Briefs meet the requirements for maximum protection against urinary and fecal incontinence. It binds to the fluid for maximum absorption and maintains the comfort and protection of the patient’s skin. The innovative design of the briefs is characterized by a flexible belt and adjustable projections that provide excellent fit and security.

The benefit of using diapers and briefs:-

1. Gives mobility and freedom

The diaper should be absorbent, like a sponge, in order to literally suck all the urine that you push. A diaper consists of multiple layers made of a comfortable material which makes the diaper very light. That means it feels like you are not really wearing anything but just a light pad. Their size ensures that they are not visible to others which prevents shame in the users.
With adult briefs, you are ready to travel throughout the day without bothering about the leaks.

2. Easy to wear and easy to change

One can wear and change diapers within a minute or two. It is as easy as putting on underwear, although wearing briefs may take a few minutes as it has to be adjusted correctly and fasten the tape at each side. All it needs is a little practice and you are pro in wearing and removing diapers in one try.

At first, I used to buy cheap adult diapers but my experience wasn’t good. You would never find a perfect size and the quality is also compromised. Though it is good for people who are able to change it 6-8 times a day but usefully it is only possible for people who stay at home. Then I started buying products of brands like Wellnessbriefs and TENA. They are affordable and give maximum benefit in urinary incontinence.

3. Offer comfort and hygiene

Absorbing urine can cause bacterial growth, which can lead to urinary tract infections. A diaper neutralizes the pH of the urine and protects bacteria and fungi from growing. In adults, diapers and briefs are the most commonly used products because they give the best solution to all incontinence and bladder problems. They are also known for their high absorbency, leakage control and are the safest and most reliable products.

Usually, Diapers come with an odor control mechanism that blocks unpleasant diaper odors and keeps them fresh and comfortable. The inner layer of the diaper is soft and its absorbent core removes moisture from your skin which left you with zero chance of skin irritation and rashes.

4. Access to sound sleep

On average, people with urinary incontinence can leak around 5-6 cups overnight and diapers are made to absorb more than 8-10 cups of liquid. Diapers and briefs are super breathable so that your skin does not dry out and does not splash with discomfort while sleeping. With briefs, make sure that all straps are locked and all openings are closed so that there would not be any case of leaks.

5. Brings peace

You can pee hundreds of times and still feel like going for one more time. This is why incontinence makes you feel worse. Ever since I’ve tried briefs and diapers, I couldn’t have felt more relaxed and free. I don’t have to worry about going to the bathroom or checking my pants. It brings peace of mind that everything is alright.

Lastly, I can say that not only people with urinary incontinence but people with disabilities and special needs can also greatly benefit from adult diapers. The use of adult diapers or briefs allows them to maintain their dignity and allow them or those who care for them to clean them more thoroughly. I have noticed that due to its perfect fit, anyone can wear diapers and briefs, regardless of their age and sex.

My overall experience with diapers and briefs so far is amazing since it gives me the confidence to go out and have fun without looking for a toilet everywhere. Urinary incontinence can never stop you unless you don’t stop yourself from tackling it. I understand how scary and humiliating it is to use incontinence products at first, but after using them, your fears disappear. It just takes a while to love diapers and briefs and after using them, you would never regret your decision.

About Wellness Briefs Technology

Incontinence is an embarrassing problem. The Wellness briefs can provide you an efficient solution to this problem.

The technology behind Wellness incontinence products

Nowadays adult diapers are readily available in the market but not all come with as superior features as Wellness briefs. The Wellness adult briefs have been designed based on the principles of MAG (Maximum Absorbency Garments) which have been specially created for astronauts. NASA has used a super absorbent polymer with a capacity to absorb up to 60 times its volumes. (more…)

The history between NASA and Adult Diapers

Though there is no dearth of information about adult diapers, a huge question mark appears when individuals are questioned about the history of NASA and adult diapers. It is a fact that NASA officials have been repeatedly questioned about the source from where they have procured the diapers, used by astronauts. It is obvious that these adult diapers for men & women need to be super absorbent, given the limited disposing space within the spacecraft and the long time taken to complete a space journey.


What is Adult Incontinence?


Adult incontinence is the accidental leakage of urine. In infants, incontinence is expected as babies have no control of such things as urination. In young children, incontinence is more common in boys than in girls. Incontinence or bedwetting is not so common in girls because they learn bladder control faster than boys do. However, adult incontinence is common in both women and men. Women become a little more prone than men because of the effects of pregnancy and childbirth.


Sizing up the RIGHT Adult Diaper For You or A Loved One

Many of you might have felt the need to get an adult diaper for yourself at some point of life. For those who do not know, an adult diaper is one of the incontinence products used by adults who face conditions like dementia and mobility impairment. The professionals in the medical community prefer using briefs to diapers to maintain dignity, as diapers are believed to be associated with kids.


Attention Facilities!


If you are a caregiver and /or institution we can show you remarkable same savings based on the wholesale pricing that you are currently paying

Feel free to call one of our Incontek® incontinence specialists today so that we can show you a demonstration on how you can significantly reduce and/or eliminate many of your costs while at the same time excelling in patient care.
