Tips for Using Adult Diapers to Deal with Incontinence

Incontinence is no longer associated with the elderly alone. Loss of bladder control can strike anyone at any age. It is no longer a matter of shame to handle incontinence using the best adult diapers available today.

The use of adult diapers has been a taboo subject for decades. People usually think of adult diapers as being big and bulky. To the common person, an adult diaper is a contraption that the elderly wear when they are incapable of controlling their bladder and bowel movements. However, this perception could not be further from the truth. For one, incontinence is not just a problem that the elderly suffer from. Nowadays there are people in their 20s who experience some kind of incontinence, brought on by a vast number of medical conditions.

Modern incontinence products such as adult diapers have evolved far beyond their bulky, older counterparts. From pads and bags to diapers and briefs, consumers have a vast variety of reusable and disposable adult diapers from which to choose. Adult diapers have even changed significantly. New designs and advances in technology are making them more comfortable and extremely absorbent.

Dealing with Incontinence for Best Adult Diapers

Although it is true that old age increases the chances of developing incontinence, young people tend to develop this ailment, especially when they have underlying medical conditions. Wearing disposable incontinence diapers on a regular basis, even if it is only for a short period until they recover from underlying medical conditions may seem embarrassing for someone in their 20’s. However, ignoring an incontinence problem, or trying to deal with it without the use of high-quality best adult diapers puts them at the mercy of the nearest bathroom. Patients suffering with incontinence are forced to plan their day around the availability of a bathroom. This reduces their opportunities, and hampers their lifestyle drastically.

Modern adult diapers are no longer the big bulky contraptions that they once used to be. They are easily concealable when worn under the right kind of clothing, thus keeping the user from embarrassing themselves when they are with friends. An adult disposable brief also enables them to have fun, despite their condition. They can attend music festivals, go to their favorite bar on the weekend, hike, travel, and even go to the movies without having to worry about where they would find a bathroom nearby.

Tips to Convince Your Elderly to Wear Adult Diapers

Incontinence is a sensitive topic and one should approach it with care, especially when talking to an elderly person. Most people would use the word ‘diaper’ in the context of infants and toddlers who are not yet toilet trained. Therefore, using the term ‘diaper’, even if you call it an adult diaper may be offensive to the wearer. Changing your vocabulary to suit their age preferences is necessary. Words such as incontinence products, adult briefs and pads will make it easy to communicate with and approach the issue with dignity

Getting an expert opinion from a specialist could help convince a stubborn elderly person to opt for an adult diaper. A physician will help explain the need for using suitable incontinence products and will lay out the pros and cons of using best adult diapers in an unbiased manner, thus helping them to make the right decision.

How to Wear Diapers at Night?

The urge to urinate could occur at any time while we are asleep. Many adults lack control of their bladders while sleeping. Whether a person is suffering from incontinence, there have been times when we have felt the urge to go, but have not been able to reach a bathroom in time. This could be because we were rising from deep slumber, or were very exhausted or disoriented after waking up. Regardless of the reason, a person suffering from incontinence can benefit from wearing an adult diaper to bed. Doing this would help prevent any unsavory accidents while they are asleep.

Although most adult diapers are designed to keep moisture away from the skin, many of them need to be changed every 2-3 hours. Overnight diapers are diapers that a user could wear for over 8 hours. However, once an overnight diaper is saturated, they leave a wet, sticky feeling against the skin making the wearer very uncomfortable. They may leak and soil the bed and clothing. Taking the time to research and choose the best adult diapers can give the user an undisturbed, comfortable night of sleep.

Making the Best Adult Diapers

Incontinence increases the chances of rashes and infection due to frequent exposure to moisture. It is important to change diapers as frequent as the manufacturer of the product recommends. Using an appropriate lotion or ointment can create a barrier between the skin and adult diapers, thus reducing the chances of exposing bare skin to moisture and reducing adverse reactions such as skin tears and irritation.

Preventing Leakage

Avoiding the use of adult diapers when one is suffering from incontinence is usually not an option. However, those who wish to avoid using adult diapers can control incontinence to some extent by incorporating suitable changes to their lifestyle. Some of the most common ways to prevent urinary leakage include –

  • Taking prescription medication that help control an overactive bladder
  • Limiting caffeine and alcohol intake also helps in controlling unfortunate bladder movement
  • Including pelvic muscle exercises such as Kegel exercises into your daily routine will help strengthen your bladder control.
  • Making sure that the bathroom is well within reach, and ensure that the path to the bathroom at home and at the work place is uncluttered and free from obstacles that would prevent you from reach one in due time.
  • Scheduling bathroom breaks every few hours will help relieve the bladder at timely, predictable intervals; this, in turn, will help reduce untimely incidents.
  • Carrying an extra set of clothes and being prepared in case of an accident. Wearing loose fitting clothes that are easy to remove, will also make it easy when taking bathroom breaks.

The best adult diapers are those that are soft, highly absorbent and prevent all kinds of leakages. These diapers are designed to lock in odor and save their wearers from embarrassment. As these diapers are manufactured using the best absorbent materials, they are soft on the skin and do not cause any rashes nor leave telltale marks after prolonged usage. Their high levels of absorbency are useful for seniors, people suffering from physical disability and many others.

Remember to Stay Hydrated

Logic dictates that drinking as little water as possible will help prevent the chances of accidental incontinence. However, your body needs to be hydrated enough in order to function properly. Consuming less water on a regular basis will result in a slew of problems such as urethral and bladder irritation, constipation, concentrated urine etc. Therefore, it is recommended that patients, who suffer with incontinence, drink sufficient amount of water and stay hydrated to prevent any additional problems.

Aside from a considerable change in diet and lifestyle, using the best adult diapers is very important when dealing with incontinence, regardless of the severity of the condition and how old one is. Quality adult diapers will help you deal with embarrassing situations with ease, especially in public settings.

At Unique Wellness, we make it easy for our patrons to understand incontinence and deal with it effectively. Please visit our website and shop for our NASA inspired incontinence products at

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